
The Sporniket Core Library / News: Recent posts

Major rewriting in progress

After more than a full year of hibernation, I am writing version 2 of the library.

The main change is a license change : as of this new version, the library is GPL v2.
Another significant change is the modularization of the lib, which is reflected in the CVS Tree.

Finally, this new version use a new package tree, allowing for a cohabitation with the first version of the library.

Sidenote : PHP libraries will now reside in my websitesystem project.

Posted by David Sporn 2004-06-24

The cvs builds again !

I fixed code that didn't compile (because of renaming some classes or re-specifying an interface.)
So now, what you get from CVS compile.
However, I just fixed, I didn't rewrote/comment etc... This is for later. Right now I go back to my printing system...

Posted by David Sporn 2003-04-03

CVS tree available

I have setup a CVS tree so that you now can get the latest work-in-progress.
I plan to rewrite comments to have full english comments and to re-organise the class tree...

Posted by David Sporn 2003-03-28

V1.0.0 of Sporniket Core Library - Java released

This release replace sporniketcore.jar (the package has been renamed)

A bunch of packages have been added, especially under the package "freecomponent".

The doc still is really poor, but is comensated by a demo app that use nearly all the library. In fact, this is because I needed this app that I eventually wrote the library...

Posted by David Sporn 2002-05-15

First release of the Sporniket Core Library

Eventually, I could convert some of the classes I wrote into a working package.
For now it's a bit small as I want to make a Java Extension (no classpath to setup...), thus there were some problems...
And for now, only two classes have comment in English, others are in French. For english-only readers, you might guess according to classes names...

Have fun !

David Sporn

Posted by David Sporn 2002-03-21