
SpongeMonkee / News: Recent posts

Backend Frozen for V.9

The SpongeMonkee backend has been frozen in order to facilitate porting of the frontend web interface to the current database structure. This is a pretty busy time in my life right now (in about a week I'm moving to California), but I hope to get some work done on the GUI and maybe have a releasable version in the next month. Really this time.

Posted by Graeme Connell 2006-09-26

OO and Threads

Good news, SpongeMonkee fans... The latest SVN is now multithreaded and (semi)object oriented. I won't say FULLY OO, because it's really not a well-organized model at the moment (I'll work on that). Really, the main reason to go OO at all was that each thread required a lot of local prepared SQL query statements, and the easiest way to make them was to stick them in an object constructor and then make the object once for each thread.... read more

Posted by Graeme Connell 2006-08-31

Backend Codebase Nears Completion

After a good deal of work, the backend codebase for SpongeMonkee 1.0 is nearing completion. SpongeMonkee now gathers the following information:

- Arp tables
- CDP connections
- OSPF neighbors
- Interface data
- IP addresses
- MAC tables
- Routing information
- Services / Open Ports (through 'nmap')
- Traceroute information (through 'traceroute')
- STP (Spanning Tree) data

Currently, SpongeMonkee is optimized to provide a single snapshot of a network layout. Later releases will hopefully allow for trending and history data to be specifically requested for certain devices.... read more

Posted by Graeme Connell 2006-08-04

Version 1.0 Development Started

A complete rewrite of the SpongeMonkee codebase has officially started. A new database structure has been created which will hopefully allow for broader data collection and enhanced authentication options for Telnet/SSH CLIs and SNMPv3. At the same time, keeping the database human-usable has remained a priority (we're still using VARCHAR for IPs, not INT UNSIGNED with INET_ATON and INET_NTOA). So far, only 224 lines of Perl code have been written, but hey, it's a start. Check out the latest source by checking out the files from subversion.

Posted by Graeme Connell 2006-06-19

SpongeMonkee Code Released

The code for the initial SpongeMonkee codebase is abailable in the "Files" section. It's a pre-pre-alpha release to get the code out quickly before any attempt has been made to clean up or document. So, if you think the project's interesting and you want to learn about it and experiment, please download. If you're looking for a production-environment network monitoring utility, saying you're a bit early would be quite an understatement.

Posted by Graeme Connell 2006-06-18

SpongeMonkee is On Line!

The SpongeMonkee project is online! Check back in a few days and the alpha source code should be available.

Posted by Graeme Connell 2006-06-12