

Volkmar Glauche

Welcome to spmtools

The toolboxes collected in spmtools come from a variety of sources. Most of them were developed at Freiburg Brain Imaging. The tools are split in several toolboxes:

  • [Diffusion]: a toolbox that allows to compute diffusion tensors, anisotropy and basic fiber tracking from diffusion weighted images
  • TSDiffAna: a toolbox to evaluate the quality of your acquired data and to identify possibly problematic scans
  • Render3D: a toolbox that allows to render e.g. SPM results on a 3D surface of the brain
  • Demos: this is not really a toolbox, but a collection of demonstration scripts and functions that explain some of the basic principles used in SPM paradigm and model design
  • Volumes: a multitude of tools that do not fit into the above categories and somehow manipulate
    • NIfTI images
    • SPM results

Download and Installation

The toolboxes can be downloaded from the Sourceforge download site or from Subversion.

Download from Sourceforge download site

Select the appropriate toolbox archive for the toolbox and SPM version you want to use.

Download from Git

Navigate to the toolbox you want to download and select "Code". Select the branch you want to download:
* master for the current SPM version
* spm5/spm8 for previous versions


Save the downloaded file in your SPM software folder (where all you SPM code is installed). The downloaded file can be unpacked from the MATLAB command line with the command mkdir/fullfile(spm('dir'),'toolbox','toolboxname')); untar('downloaded_file.tar.gz', fullfile(spm('dir'),'toolbox','toolboxname')). Replace 'downloaded_file.tar.gz' with the path and filename of the file you just downloaded, and 'toolboxname' with the name of the toolbox. Alternatively, you can use any file manager to unpack the file. If successful, you should find additional entries in your SPM toolbox folder. You should be able to access them after restarting SPM.

Questions, bug reports

If you have questions about using the tools, please have a look into the forums. If you do not find an answer to your question, please do not hesitate to post it there. If you think you have found a bug in any of the toolbox function, please have a look at the existing tickets. If you do not find your issue described there, please open a new ticket. Include in your ticket

  • a short description of what you were about to do
  • a text copy of the MATLAB command window output
  • if applicable, the SPM batch job you tried to run


Wiki: Diffusion