
SPM surfrend / News: Recent posts

SPM SurfRend V1.0.2 Release 2008-04-03

Fixed incompatibility with spm_get in SPM5 (replaced with spm_select).

Posted by Itamar Kahn 2008-04-03

SPM SurfRend V1.0 Release 2008-01-29

Added SPM5 support.

Posted by Itamar Kahn 2008-01-29

SPM SurfRend V0.2.1 Release 2005-06-14

[V0.2.1] Added the function write_wfile to be contained within the surfrend functions.
[V0.2] Converting directly from Analyze format images is now supported (e.g., spmT_0002.{img,hdr}).

Posted by Itamar Kahn 2005-06-14

SPM SurfRend V0.2 Release 2005-06-09

Converting directly from Analyze format images is now supported (e.g., spmT_0002.{img,hdr}).

Posted by Itamar Kahn 2005-06-09

SPM SurfRend Release 2005-05-31

The first version (V0.1) of surfrend is now available for download. Documentation is forthcoming.

Posted by Itamar Kahn 2005-05-31