
Spiral 0.8.0 Released (06Feb06)

This release has a few new features, plus a large number of code quality improvements. Essentially what I did was go through everything one line at a time looking for bugs. The main features added are the ability to take input from either a named pipe or a file, process, and output to another named pipe or file. I've also added a test only option which does everything except write. This is intended for verifying check sums to validate a key before permanently changing a file. I also added the ability to analyze data in a list of named pipes; before you could only analyze one by using the standard output option (that was kind of a work around.) I added an option to accept a key from standard input. This isn't quite the same as a password; it isn't confirmed, there are no prompts, and it only stops reading when EOF is reached.

I fixed a few latent bugs with parsing size arguments, opening files for writing without read access, indefinitely-sized input, and writing to a named pipe which isn't ready. I also rearanged the order options are evaluated, rewrote some error messages, and moved the password prompt to outside of the rest of the program output.

As always, thank you for taking an interest in my work!

Posted by 2006-02-06

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