
SQL Power Injector / News: Recent posts

Back to business!

Greetings everyone!

I'm back to that project that for legal reasons I had to stop. I have plenty new upcoming features that will make your life better. Also a big project related to that tool is in process now.

So what should you expect first? I will refresh the UI and update the .Net version from 1.1 to 4.0. And obviously fix some bugs. If you have encountered any bugs please let me know.

Later on this year I'll add many powerful and great features! Some of you I met in person already know some of them. For the others surprise surprise...... read more

Posted by Francois Larouche 2010-11-24

At last loading bug with IE7 fixed with version 1.1.1!!

Well it's fixed now! Thanks again for your patience and loyalty. You won't be disappointed with the next version 1.2 which will contain major novelties that should be out around the end of April.

Until then enjoy the tool!


Posted by Francois Larouche 2007-03-12

Bug with IE7

Lately I've been receiving emails about this error:

The parameter is incorrect
Method name: Injector_Load

So I had to investigate and realized that it was a problem caused when someone installs Internet Explorer 7. I already know what the problem is so it’s just a matter to package it and put the update on source forge. (for more details please go see the bug list on read more

Posted by Francois Larouche 2007-02-11

Over 10000 downloads! Thank you!

Over 10000 downloads overall it's a number that I never thought to reach that fast. Thank you.

I'm working on the version 1.2 and this time I'll bring new features on blind SQL injection and on an optimized technique that has not been released yet. But of course I'll improve the overall usability and general features to make it even easier to find and exploit SQL injection.


Posted by Francois Larouche 2006-08-25

Version 1.1 is out!

Well after so much delay I finally ended up to update the docs and release it. I hope you will enjoy the new features and hopefully have no bug this time.

Please do not hesitate to email me for any questions or comments.


Francois Larouche

Posted by Francois Larouche 2006-06-14

At last coding and QA for the Version 1.1 is done!

At last I'm done with the coding and QA for the version 1.1! I'm working on the docs and website update and I'll advertise it. Please be patient.


Posted by Francois Larouche 2006-05-12

Working on the Bugs!

I received some emails telling me about bugs that some of you had. Yep, not always the best ones to receive but oh so much useful! I'm currently working on them and can find a updated list of them on the web site

I will make sure they are corrected as soon as possible and will release a new corrected version with some small features.

Thanks to those who sent me the emails!

Posted by Francois Larouche 2006-02-18

Official release!!!

At last SQL Power Injector has been released! Please feel free to try it and send me comments or questions.

Francois Larouche

Posted by Francois Larouche 2006-02-13