
Tree [ab3412] default tip /

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File Date Author Commit
 hardware 2018-07-05 Jay Cotton Jay Cotton [7e7ef8] fix bad traces
 src 2018-07-05 Jay Cotton Jay Cotton [f781a3] adding drive selection
 AUTHORS 2018-06-08 Jay Cotton Jay Cotton [96afa4] Initial push
 COPYING 2018-06-08 Jay Cotton Jay Cotton [96afa4] Initial push
 README 2018-07-05 Jay Cotton Jay Cotton [ab3412] new notes

Read Me

This is my SPI Bus project for the Z80 RC2014 computer.

There is a circuit board for this project at:

this is the v2.1 board.

This project includes an spi buss driver that I modeled from an artical
at WikiPedia.  There is also a FatFS code drop that I modified to make
it work the the Z80 and compile with Z88DK.

The project status is [not ready for prime time yet].  Hoping for some
testing and comments from the community.  My plan includes getting the
SPI bus working with RomWBW file system, thus completing the circuit
there.  Spinning rust, CF card and SD card.

There is a rework to the board due to a layout error on my part.
The fix is simple to complete, and the board will be updated 
at oshpark soon.  Done.

6/29/2018  Added sub directory to sdir, you can now find files in
	sub dirs.  sdir spi/src  lists files there.

7/4/2018  Added multi drive support (needs more work) and updated the
	board.  Never trust autoroute.