
0.9b is almost ready!


0,9b release is almost ready!
In fact, it is already ready (and the corresponding code and 0.9b tag in the git repo),
but as I'm out of office now I cannot prepare and upload release files.
This will be done in the middle on July.

So, what's new in the 0.9b? Speedup and improvements (most in the sens. analyst), in details:
- sensitivity analyst steps are executed and rendered in parallel, in core this allows better multicore utilization, in ui this improves sens. analyst usability;
- in sensitivity analyst mode, when modelling is completed, in model view window there is improvement tooltips for entities: earlier there was shown chart only for last step, now for all the steps at the same time, enabling for quick overview what happend with model's entities during sensitivity analyst;
- in sensitivity analyst mode table data export exports not only the last step, but all the steps of the sensitivity analyst for the selected entities.

If no critical bugs will be found, what may lead to forced minor release, the next release will be major, long awaited 1.0, which will include code cleanups, small usability improvements and documentation update!

Thank you for interest in out project!


News: 2013/07/09b-is-out

Posted by Pavel Kuzmenko 2013-07-03

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