
#14 Additional Informations on modeling elements

next release

It would be nice, if the user could add some additional meta informations to the modeled elements.

I imagine an additional, textual attribute like "description" or something else, where you can put more informations on the elements (Converter, Stack, Flow).

These informations can be used to set a description, which makes the model easier to understand or (in my case) to be interpreted by an external application, which uses Sphinx in an integrated environment and needs additional informations of the individual elements.



  • Pavel Kuzmenko

    Pavel Kuzmenko - 2013-07-05


    I'll take a look at this option a bit later as I get back from vacation. Then we will be able to discuss this feature.

    Thanks for using Sphinxes!


    Last edit: Pavel Kuzmenko 2013-07-05
  • Pavel Kuzmenko

    Pavel Kuzmenko - 2013-07-14

    I suppose it would be not hard to implement adding new tab "documentaion" between "design" and "source" in editor window containing neccessary components to edit the "description" of model elements and the model itself.

    Also this "description" could be shown in tooltip for the elements in design window.

    If you can suggest some other options regarding "description" -- you are always welcome!

    As of it not a big work it will be included in the next release althought only documentation and code cleanup was planned.

  • Pavel Kuzmenko

    Pavel Kuzmenko - 2013-07-14
    • Group: Current_work --> next release
  • Christian Böhme

    I suggest an extra field "Description" in the Context Menu (Right Click) of modeling elements in the design view. Equal to the existing field "Edit Formula", there can be opened a small text editor to edit and save the textual description.

    A tooltip of this descriptions would be also nice, but for me not really necessary.

    Thanks a lot!

  • Pavel Kuzmenko

    Pavel Kuzmenko - 2013-07-16

    Ok, this way is probably is the easiest one.
    Tooltip, I suppose, is one the best ways to quickly access such info.

    So, this feature will be in the next release, so please be patient :)

  • Pavel Kuzmenko

    Pavel Kuzmenko - 2013-08-11
    • status: open --> closed

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