

John Dalbey

Speed Gaps is a solitaire card game that features fast play and high odds of winning. It is an example of "open" solitaire in which all the cards are visible throughout the game.

Initial Layout
28 cards are dealt face-up in four rows of seven cards each. The aces are removed and placed in a column on the left, leaving four spaces or "gaps" in the layout.

The objective is to order the cards by suit and rank where the suit of each row is defined by the suit of the ace in the left column.

Rules of Play
Each space in the layout may be filled by a card of the same suit as the card on the left, and one higher in rank. Only a two can be played next to an Ace. No card may be played to the right of a six. Keep moving cards until the layout is blocked (the only spaces left are to the right of sixes), or until the winning configuration is achieved.

When no more moves can be made, click the Shuffle button to redistribute the cards that are not in their correct sequence. Three such redeals are allowed.

The game is won if all four rows end up in sequence from ace to six of the same suit. If the game is blocked, and no shuffles are left, you lose.

== Developers ==
The source code is based off Klondike Solitaire ( by Warren Godone-Maresca.
I've made a bit of a Frankenstein's monster out of it, apologies to Warren.

Project Members: