
Changing fuel amount

  • amit

    amit - 2022-05-11

    First of all thanks for the awesome game, you do amazing job, and I wise I
    could help.
    I have small question about fuel in race.
    Can I change the amount of fuel to start a race? I love to do long race but
    short enough to not need to change tier and something the fuel is over in
    the very last lap which is very annoying. sometimes I do not want to do
    fuel saving but add an extra liter or two.
    Is there an option to set the initial fuel for a race?
    Thank you very much

  • Robert Reif

    Robert Reif - 2022-05-11

    I just added initial fuel to the car setup menu in [r8155].

    You access it from Race -> (Practice or Quick race) -> Configure -> Next-> Garage -> Setup -> Initial Fuel. You will need to download the latest development version for this to work.

    If you are running the latest binary release you can just replace the file data/data/menu/carsetupmenuitems.xml with the latest development version.



    Commit: [r8155]

    • leillo1975

      leillo1975 - 2022-05-12

      If the amount of fuel is not modified, is it still the same as before, which by default depended on the number of laps?

      • Robert Reif

        Robert Reif - 2022-05-12

        I haven't checked the code but it appears to only calculate the amount of fuel when the tank is full. If you change it to less than full it will use that amount. Changing it back to full will cause it to be calculated again. The only problem I see is that you can't race with a full tank. That will probably require some code changes.

        • leillo1975

          leillo1975 - 2022-05-12

          In my opinion, the best option could be something like "Fuel: Custom <--> Automatic" and if you choose custom, then you could edit the amount of L of fuel

          • Robert Reif

            Robert Reif - 2022-05-12

            Another option could be to set the default fuel level to 0 for every car rather than full. That way fuel will be calculated if empty and you can then set the tank to full if you want to. This should require no code changes.

            • leillo1975

              leillo1975 - 2022-05-12

              It is a good option, as long as you warn with a label that "0" is automatic (and default).


              Last edit: leillo1975 2022-05-12

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