
Error without description

  • Daniel Chávez Flores

    When i try to load a directory, i get a Error Message Box but there are not description. Is there a log o anything in order to identify the error?

    • DavideNoaro

      DavideNoaro - 2006-11-20

      the error is probably caused by a pdf file... The program in fact can have some problems with pdf files protected or encrypted...

      You can view the error message launching the program in a console. If you start the application with the jar file you have to open a console and write "java -jar spdl.jar". After program is started keep the console open for messages...


  • Heba Neama

    Heba Neama - 2014-04-10

    Please i want to know where you are using the ontology in this library.
    where do you use the semantic in the program?
    what is the value of the ontology i created in the program?!

    thank you


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