
SparkOS / Blog: Recent posts

Major Changes

Over the past few months you may have noticed how long it took for me to release 1.0 as opposed to .5. I originally intended to have 1.0 done by December/January or at the very latest early March, but instead it got delayed all the way until early May. The reason for this is simple: the project was becoming too much of a grind for me that I didn't want to work on it. I would rather use the computer I have that runs Spark for daily things and not simply to develop Spark. The driving force behind Spark from Day 1 was to develop my perfect Linux operating system, and I had drifted away from that too much in the past few months. From now on you can expect some big changes coming to the project that I think will provide a better experience. ... read more

Posted by Steve 2013-07-06