Work has begun very slowly once again for sPanel. I have totally removed myself from the internet radio community but however discovered how to correctly use sessions in order to complete the believed hardest part of the program. In fact sessions are quite simple. Anyways. I have fixed a few MAJOR bugs in the code, and sooner or later will have a release out to those I know of. I hope I get this to work correctly soon.... read more
It's been a few days since I've made any Project Status Updates....
So here is what's up:
sPanel Status => Pre Alpha, Unfinished. It works but not fully. Here's the product Alpha Info. Security No programmed yet. All Functions work as required under admin interface. User Interface in 'buggy' state unofficially. We don't fully know the status of the User Interface but thats all we know. Additionally the XML is considered in the Beta State but unreleased, Why? Becuz. Well it works best for sPanel and its all thanks to Matt2kJones from Chrystal Stats that allowed us to use their product :)
Thats the Status update of sPanel... read more
thanks once again for looking at sPanel. sPanel's schedule webmail module has decided to take a backseat while the other more importaint modules take priority, Don't worry because many features have allready been programmed its just we don't yet see the need for webmail as a huge priority. There will be a email based that can be used. This can be sent to the existing admin webmail service (requires no smtp server) or you can use a smtp server and have it send the mail to any popular mail account of yours. ... read more
sPanel finally has completed the sPanel Config (.INI) File Generator. (Well Almost)
Left to go is further testing of the usercp.php config. It may sometimes incorectly display wrong results and we will need to straighten the logic (if there is a problem with it) as needed.
Developments for next week: Webmail Application, Help File.
Acomplishments other than above: Programmed more logic, Newuser.php page complete, XML Templates - green, Lite, MStar, Navy, Red, Silver (chrome), Yellow. Thanks to the Designer MStar for making these templates. I made them User Selectable for a even more customized and SHARP Look! I myself will be creating additional looks and feels and adding them accordingly to the sPanel program. In the future it will be made to allow Admin customizeable XML even where they can have your name in em and such ;). But for now were more focused on the more importaint features as of now. Again Thanks for taking the time to look over our Project Status. For those on our Internal Alpha Team, prepare for an alpha comming at the end of Thanksgiving week (21, or 28; Never can remember thanksgiving day :p) Please remember for the folks that want to improve upon this project. Please Please Please send your idea's feedback, comments, feature requests, scripts, scripting ideas, ect ect ect. All to me! That is part of the alpha team, beta team, and end user's job! We want this to be a wonderful FREE Program For all that all can enjoy upon and obtain the source too so you can make sPanel da way u want! For the stream hosts that employ sPanel technology, I will be checking up on those that incoperate PHP and other features within the sPanel program and if changes were made I will ask them what they did as part of the liscensing. Anyways. ... read more
The Big Dada of sPanel, the Config File Generator for SHOUTcast will begin programming starting November 1, 2003. Allready, we've completed the news functions (to an extent; slightly buggy) and other main functions. MySQL interaction has been completed. So prepare for a good report tommorrow with the Config File Generator module block. We will first program the userpref.php page in the admin page, and then move to the usercp where extensive logic will need to be programmed to allow admins to have their options overided. There is still much to be done code wise but this is however a major hurdle. We have gathered a stop/start/restart script for sPanel and we hope to make the process very automated with little work from the webmasters and admins using this project. The purpose is to create LESS work instead of more, and we still have that ever so same intent in mind; only the program can do more ;). Anyways. We will get back with the users soon. Pre-alpha will more than likely be released at the end of November 2003 and the final release Febuary/March 2004. ... read more