
Is this project dead?

Yo Joe
  • Yo Joe

    Yo Joe - 2019-01-31

    Is spampal working on windows 8 or 10?
    It launches in application mode without problems, but I can't see it listnening on any given port.
    Trying to launch it as a windows service fails - which doesn't surprise me with some kind of obsolete piece of software.

    Could anyone point me to a working out of box antispam solution for windows for mutiple imap email accounts?
    I got hard times with spamassassin as I can't get a simple, working opensource proxy software.


    Last edit: Yo Joe 2019-01-31
  • Daniel Friedmann

    Hi Yo Joe, I haven't touched Spampal in years so I have no idea if it would still work on a current Windows version. My guess and what you write points towards a clear no. Also, the integrated spam filters have advanced so much that I wouldn't need anything else anyway. I cannot recommend any other tool for that reason. Cheers. Daniel

    • Yo Joe

      Yo Joe - 2019-02-01

      Tanks for a fast clarification.
      Since I'm not using any popular email clients, antispam solutions on windows platform turned out to be pretty hard to obtain.
      Recently switched from thebat to claws mail, and builtin bsfilter in claws is almost unconfigurable.
      Just thought about using an external thing, but finding a working one without tons of hassle is impossible. That's why I was curious if spampal is still alive.

      Well, just found spamihilator. Another unslept night before me ;)

  • Tronix_74

    Tronix_74 - 2023-10-11

    Sorry to necro post here. I wanted to mention that, while I have used Spamihilator as a replacement for Spampal, so far, to date, no other software product out there has been quite as good as Spampal ever was, at filtering out spam. Daniel, would any donations help in reviving this software so that it runs on modern Windows? I believe that the software stopped working after Windows 98 because Microsoft removed full 32-bit support if I recall correctly right?

    • Robert Riebisch

      Robert Riebisch - 2024-04-03

      As reported here, SpamPal at least works on "WINDOWS 7 ( 64 bit)". It also works on Windows XP x86.


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