I have an Security package containing an AntiVirus application and a firewall.
It is from a company called GData (www.gdata.de).
The software is called "GData Antivirus Kit Internet Security 2006".
It is NOT the actual version (this would be 2007) but I did not have the time to re-install my complete system.
I sometimes receive an error message (see attached file "ProxyConflicts.jpg).
If I click on "klicken Sie hier" to get more details, then the second dialogue is shown.
Then I get the error message shown in the 3rd dialogue.
If I find a way to reproduce this bug then I let you know it, but for now I can not reproduce it (I sometimes get it but I have no way HOW to get it).
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It's propably your av-kit crashing, rather than the spampal-proxy, since your errors both seem to be related to your gdata software. Maybe a simple cross-check with an other av-program is in order?