
Tree [7dcff3] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 etc 2010-12-14 Chris Harris Chris Harris [7dcff3] Initial commit
 src 2010-12-14 Chris Harris Chris Harris [7dcff3] Initial commit
 README 2010-12-14 Chris Harris Chris Harris [7dcff3] Initial commit

Read Me

Backup Facility

This is a simple backup facility based initially on full dumps each night.
It requires the use of the tapelib package to label and check the tapes.

backup_daily is a program run daily from the crontab.

do.full.backup actually performs the backup according to its arguments.
It is called by backup_daily. It contains a specific command for each
file system which needs to be backed up. As file systems changes, so
must do.full.backup be altered accordingly.

do.full.backup performs some minor checks on a tape after a backup.
It also checks to make sure that any symbolic-links (up to two levels deep)
under '/home' are not pointing to file system that is not backed up.

see: man backup, for a detailed description.