Patrick, sorry I don't have your structure now
to make comments on it, so I will write how do
I see it.

1. Introduction
a short introduction on the story-line and the
name; something like: as human society evoluated
war evoluated with it, do you, player, have the
courage to find why, how, to discover
"The Seeds of War"? ( I'm programmer not writer,
I hope you understand what I'm thinking about )

2. What we want to do in this game
a new kind of maps with a weather simulation
plant and animal growing etc., modular units,
another way of controling units

After the reader finish this two sections,
you must make it waiting for the game!
This two section must be short enough to not
bore the reader but you must not skip the
important things.

3. MapEngine
read the ideas section; send a resume from there
like for example:
- full 3d map with overhangs
- weather simulation
- plant growing etc.

4. UnitEngine
Did you understand the modular units idea,
or should I explain to you more detailed?
You said that there are a lot of technicals,
and you may not understand, but you didn't ask
any question on this :-/

5. AI
this is very important but we did not concentrate to
much on it; so just write few words ( as you find
them in ideas section )

6. Conclusion
any document should finish with this; you should write
something like: what a nice and great and [...] will be! :D