
#15 Cookifier causing NPP to hang


I opened a header file for the Freescale HCS12X micro, and it locked up Notepad++ with constant CPU usage. Disabling Cookifier allows me to view the file just fine. Not sure what part of the file is causing the problem, but I've attached it.

Found using build v0.6.1.0, tested on Win7 64bit and WinXP (32bit)


  • Nobody/Anonymous

  • UFO

    UFO - 2012-01-10

    It doesn't lock up Notepad++, it's just slooooooow, since you're
    parsing a file with a massive amount of tags.. >24.000!!
    It don't know what to suggest at the moment, because there's
    also a bug in v0.6.1: Go-To-Definition doesn't work when
    using INCLUDES in SourceCookifier.
    I already fixed it some time ago, but I can't release the next version yet,
    since it's not fully finished. I just can tell you, that parsing your
    header files as an INCLUDE in SourceCookifier takes only 1-2 seconds.
    And adding fat-ass source files (like the one you're browsing) as
    INCLUDES, is the only sane way to go with SourceCookifier.
    Anything else simply takes to much time, sorry. I know that
    other N++ plugins are faster with parsing, but they miss some
    features on the other side.
    Some times for parsing your file on my machine:
    Class view: nearly 4-5 minutes!
    Grouped view: ~2 mins.
    Flat view: still 1 min.

  • UFO

    UFO - 2012-01-10

    I forgot another option:
    If you don't need to browse such big headers via SourceCookifier,
    and you problem is, that you've simply got the SourceCookifier panel
    open all the time, then you could set a filesize limit in the settings.
    For instance set it to 512kb and your N++ won't fall asleep any longer
    when opening such files.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-09

    ufo-Pu55y, I love this plugin but I'm having this same issue on the latest build. It actually happens when i'm just switching Tabs. I'm parsing Lua files and they are about 30kb.

    I went to a previous version and its working as expected with no slowdown. There maybe something there that would help?

  • UFO

    UFO - 2012-04-13

    hydrogxn, what session mode are you using.. single file mode?
    If you have a set of Lua files for me letting me directly reproduce
    that behavior would help a lot of course.