
SourceAFIS Fingerprint matcher

  • Deepak Kumar Neog

    Can you please tell me which algorithm you have used in SourceAFIS fingerprint matching?

  • Robert Važan

    Robert Važan - 2019-06-21

    This is a bit of a FAQ by now, but let's collect an up-to-date summary.

    SourceAFIS is an original algorithm, but it drew a lot of inspiration from other opensource algorithms, particularly NIST's MINDTCT and BOZORTH3 algorithms, which are well documented.

    SourceAFIS doesn't have deep algorithm description yet. It only has a very brief summary:

    Some understanding of the algorithm can be nevertheless gleaned from algorithm transparency data, which lets you see intermediate fingerprint representations created by the algorithm:

  • Deepak Kumar Neog

    Thank you


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