
Correct licensing and copyright notices

Glen W.
  • Glen W.

    Glen W. - 2018-04-22

    Hi Olli,

    I have written a commercial application that uses your SoundTouch library.

    In LGPL terms, I think the P/Invoke approach I used counts as "a work that uses the library". Unfortunately LGPL instructions on what I need to do is not exactly clear. How visible does the LGPL need to be? For example, would it be acceptable for me to only include files named SoundTouch.dll and SoundTouch.license in my zip files?

    Under LGPL, do I display your copyright and license alongside mine in the executable's About?

    Would doing so resemble this:
    MyApp (c) me 2018. All rights reserved,
    SoundTouch (c) you 2001-2017. LGPL v2.1. Souce code available on request.

    Please let me know if you have an alternative to LGPL that might make everything easier to follow :)

    Many thanks!

  • oparviai

    oparviai - 2018-05-16

    Detailed LGPL license terms are here:

    In case the LGPL license sounds too restricting, a commercial license alternative is available. Contact me by email if you wish to get more information of license alternatives.


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