
NavigationBar.script error

  • jason

    jason - 2007-11-24

    I encounter a problem whilst composing the example 2 'forrest-like' example. I follow the instruction by packaging the .page .html .xml .css files to war. Almost everything is the same as example page, except that the resource path (e.g., image) is different. However it always issues problem as below. It seems like I need to add a jwcid in the .html file. So I add '<body jwcid="@Body" >' to the html file, but the result would only show a purple bar in the browser, though source code are all there.

    What might cause such problem?

    Thanks for any suggestion.

    ======= Error Message BEG ========
    Component Home/$NavigationBar.script requires rendering support, but no PageRenderSupport object has been stored into the request cycle. This object is typically provided by a Body component. You should add a Body component to your template.
    location:       classpath:/net/sf/sotacs/NavigationBar.jwc, line 112, column 40
    107     the provided caching-name can be provided for all those border-components that are logically
    108     the same but appear on different pages.
    109     </description>
    110     </parameter>
    112     <component id="script" type="Script">
    113     <binding name="script" value="literal:/net/sf/sotacs/navbar/NavigationBar.script"/>
    114     <binding name="staticInitCode" value="ognl:staticInitCode"/>
    115     <binding name="dynamicInitCode" value="ognl:dynamicInitCode"/>
    116     </component>
    ======= Error Message END ========

    • jason

      jason - 2007-11-24

      After decomposing the war file included in the downloaded jar, I found out that seemly to construct forrest like menu require extra components such as "<span jwcid="border@bordercomponent/Border" informal="true" pageNavId="nav.forrest">", which is not described in the instruction page (

      However, even this component is included the page still not render correctly (the forrest-like menu would lack of background). Does there any one has simpler example that do not contain too much extra files?

      Thanks for help.

      I appreciate it.


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