
ZynAddSubFX Windows Release

The binaries for Windows are now available in the public download repository. Source code is not included with this release. It's an end user package.

Install: Simply unzip and place the resulting folder wherever you want. The VST plugin meight be placed into the host applications VST plugins folder (which differs from host to host).

Following executables are included:

- console application (standard audio output)
- GUI application with MME audio output
- GUI application with DirectSound audio output
- GUI application with ASIO audio output

- VST plugin (DLL)

Both, debug and release versions are included.
Additionally there are folders with examples and sound patches included,

Remarks: The package was compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. There are no external dependencies or libraries required. Direct Sound and ASIO require the drivers to be installed on the dstination system. The VST plugin requires a VST host application.

Posted by Jason Webs 2013-04-23

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