
Tree [r11] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 SonicMail 2009-10-29 sonicrules1234 [r6] Upgraded sonicbot to version 2.3. Added too ma...
 aiml 2009-10-29 sonicrules1234 [r6] Upgraded sonicbot to version 2.3. Added too ma...
 logs 2009-10-13 sonicrules1234 [r1]
 plugins 2009-11-02 sonicrules1234 [r11] Fixed a bug with relay channels
 sonicbotv3 2009-10-31 sonicrules1234 [r10] Fixed a couple typos relating to version number...
 standard 2009-10-29 sonicrules1234 [r6] Upgraded sonicbot to version 2.3. Added too ma...
 README 2009-10-30 sonicrules1234 [r7] Fixed a bug with reloading plugins that reset f... 2009-10-30 sonicrules1234 [r7] Fixed a bug with reloading plugins that reset f... 2009-10-29 sonicrules1234 [r6] Upgraded sonicbot to version 2.3. Added too ma... 2009-10-31 sonicrules1234 [r10] Fixed a couple typos relating to version number... 2009-11-02 sonicrules1234 [r11] Fixed a bug with relay channels
 std-startup.xml 2009-10-31 sonicrules1234 [r10] Fixed a couple typos relating to version number... 2009-10-30 sonicrules1234 [r7] Fixed a bug with reloading plugins that reset f...

Read Me

This is the readme for sonicbot.
sonicbot is an IRC bot that accepts plugins so it can do practically anything.
The format of the plugins can be determined by looking at the source code and
at the included plugins (there are lots of them).  Documentation for making
plugins will be released sometime soon at
sonicbot was written by Westly Ward (sonicrules1234) under the BSD license,
which is included in

The sourceforge page is :
My homepage (at the time of this release (it changes hosts sometimes)) is :
You can get help for sonicbot by joining #sonicbot on
(be careful to obey the network rules!) or by emailing sonicrules1234 [at] gmail [dot] com
You can also come into #sonicbot on Freenode

Note that sonicmail is included in this version.  Please come into #sonicbot on cluenet or freenode for help setting up
the web interface.

Here is a list of commands included:
execos, wikinotifier, lurk, kick, gdefine, topic, up, raw, randfact, violence, mcheck, google, timedban, help, join, op, mood, pluginlist, dns, voiceme, register, bday, context, voice, choose, timeddevoice, action, devoice, notifyme, mail, part, dns6, restart, ban, mailman, say, unban, deop, feednotifier

The syntax for the above commands can be found by using help <plugin>

The following commands are built in and therefore not listed by the pluginlist command:

add <factoid name> is <factoid definition>
	Adds a factoid that can be retrieved by <prefix><factoid name>
	Example : ;add sonicbot is Sonicbot is cool!

remove <factoid name>
	Removes a factoid
	Example : ;remove sonicbot

eval <python statement>
	Runs the eval() function
	Example: ;eval 1 + 1

connect <host> <port> [<channels seperated by spaces>]
	Connects to another network
	Example: ;connect 6667 #sonicbot

	Reloads the plugins and config file
	Example: ;reload

	Enables the AI, which can be used by addressing the bot by "<nick>: "
	sonicbot: How are you?
	Example: ;+ai
	Disable the AI
	Example: ;-ai

	Tells sonicbot to relay all messages in the channel to that channel on all the networks sonicbot is connected to.
	Example: ;+relay

	Tells sonicbot to stop relaying messages for the current channel
	Example: ;-relay

	Tells sonicbot to shut down
	Example: ;quit

+ignore <nick>
	Tells sonicbot to ignore all messages from that nick.
	Example: ;+ignore foo

-ignore <nick>
	Tells sonicbot to stop ignoring messages from that nick
	Example: ;-ignore foo