
Tree [29fb44] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 painting samples 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 simpsal 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 ColorTemperature.m 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 ColorWeight.m 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 Composition.m 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 Contrast.m 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 Glbcolor.m 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 HueTempScore.m 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 Hueimgseg.m 2014-05-06 Florence Wang Florence Wang [1aec74] Final
 Localcolor.m 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 ReadMe.txt 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 ShapeRep.m 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 createFeatureMatrix.m 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 featureExt_batch.m 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 featureExtraction.m 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 feature_sample.mat 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 hardlines.m 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit
 heatmap_overlay.m 2016-05-30 Florence Wang Florence Wang [29fb44] heatmeap_overlay from gbvs
 weightscorefun.m 2014-05-06 unknown unknown [5b0603] Initial commit

Read Me

1.Description: This code is used for extracting artistic image features descirbed in:

Ying Wang (Florence) and Masahiro Takatsuka. SOM based Artistic Style Visualization. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME'13). San Jose. USA, July, 2013.

Any question and bug report please email:
Please properly cite the above paper if you are to use this code for research purpose

2. Pre-requisite: The following package is needed to run the code:
Graph-based visual saliency matlab package either GBVS or Simpsal

GBVS and Simpsal are both available at

For our code we used the simplified version Simpsal to extract composition features. Of course you can try to use GBVS in extracting composition features !

Simpsal is already included in the current folder. To use Simpsal, manually add the folder of Simpsal in the path or in the command line,  type:


3. to test the feature extraction of all the sample paintings located in \painting samples in batch, open: 


and hit run. It will save features of all the images located within a folder into one variable and the name list (e.g. file names of images) into another variable.
4. Description of important functions

featureExt_batch.m: batch feature extraction.

featureExtraction.m: extracting all the features of a single painting image.

Glbcolor.m: extracting global color features in temperature, weight and contrast

Localcolor.m: extracting local color features in temperature, weight and contrast from hue segmented images

Composition.m: divding the saliency map into nine regions and extracting features from each section. Also it calls ShapeRep.m to calculate the eccentricity and rectratio of the most salient region (pixel saliency > 0.5)

Hardline.m: use Hough transform to decide four parameters ( mean length, mean slope, std slope and straight line ratio) of hard lines appeared in painting images.