
Simple Object Loader / News: Recent posts

SOLoader V0.1.1 released


the SOLoader library provides a class-loading interface. That is, you write one or more classes, put them into a shared library and add a "ClassFac" function. In your program you use SOLoader to find the class and retrieve it from the library. This functionality is present in Java (TM) for example, but unfortunately not in C++ - by using SOLoader, it is added to C++. The major benefit over other class loaders is its ease of use and its simple extensibility. Additionally SOLoader brings along a set of utility classes, specifically a string class, linked list container and a config file facility. All of them are designed for simple usage.... read more

Posted by Bernhard Agthe 2008-03-02

SOLoader V 0.0.8 new Installation

Hi everybody,

the actual version of SOLoader features a new installation method. As you download the file, make it executable with "chmod u+x". Secondly run "./" to do all the installation in one step.

The new installation is possible because the SOLoader project is now administered using proja, a Makefile generator and project tool written by myself. In fact proja relies heavily on libSOL and will not run without libSOL. It is also a demo and test for several of the libSOL classes and functions.... read more

Posted by Bernhard Agthe 2005-01-20

SOLoader V 0.0.8 release

With the release of Version 0.0.8 I finally got the class loader working. Try it and tell me about your expierience.

Berny Agthe

Posted by Bernhard Agthe 2005-01-10

SOLoader status

Hi everybody,

Still I'm reworking most of SOLoader - though I have very little time to do so. And - there has been very little feedback, which I do not find encouraging.

My plan is to add some stuff to the string class and to add some new template base classes. Secondly I'm still reworking the "main feature" - the dyynamic object loader.

So just go ahead and test the actual version - and tell me about your expierience.... read more

Posted by Bernhard Agthe 2004-11-12

SOLoader V 0.0.7 Release

During the last weeks a lot of work has been done. Several interfaces were redesigned for easier usability, some tools and helper classes added (a mini-Database for example) and an application designed using all the sol "tools". This is a Makefile-Generator and Project management helper... Find the actual version at <>

Concerning soloader, I did a lot of debugging, but the class loader is still not working. The rest of the tools should be rather well, some are working flawlessly for a year and a half (that is the config class, the string class, the linked list template class...).... read more

Posted by Bernhard Agthe 2004-10-22

V 0.0.7 Status

Hi everybody,

Just recently I did some clean-up work and restructured huge parts of the code. This was not to make you all change your programs ;-) but to really clean up some parts of the code. For example the enumeration of the configuration is not getFirst... and getSecond... anymore but one enumerate... function. Because of many changes, there are errors in the code once again and I'm fixing them these days. So just have a look at this site for the newest version every few weeks or join te mailing list.... read more

Posted by Bernhard Agthe 2004-06-21

New Release V0.0.6


a few days ago I checked a new release into CVS and added a file release, Version 0.0.6.

Soloader is a class loader for dynamic loading of classes. It features an easy-to-use class interface and some very useful tools. The tools include a configuation file utility which is very nice, a string class and a container for linked lists, stack, fifo, whatever, called blist. The string class and the container are very simple to use compared to the (more powerful but much more complicated) STL classes.... read more

Posted by Bernhard Agthe 2004-02-18