
Solid IRCd / News: Recent posts

solidircd-stable 3.4.8 released

Changes for solid-ircd 3.4.8(stable)

Changes from Sheik

25/6/2006 - Changed OperWalk and OperMode to be for Services Administrators only.
25/6/2006 - Added Denora on the list of aliases so /ds should send privmsg to denora.
25/6/2006 - Removed the freeze code it was buggy and shun performs the same function anyway.... read more

Posted by Gabriel Baez 2006-06-25

solidircd 3.4.7(stable) released

# $Id: CHANGES,v 1.24 2006/03/19 17:16:32 sheik Exp $
# $Name: $
# $Source: /cvsroot/solidircd/solidircd-stable/CHANGES,v $

Changes for solid-ircd 3.4.7(stable)

Changes from Tux
30/12/2005 - Fixed Task #60 on
25/12/2005 - Fixed elmer issue.
25/12/2005 - Fixed g-line message issue.
25/12/2005 - Fixed g-line not being sent to other servers.
25/12/2005 - Fixed shun not being sent to other servers either.
25/12/2005 - Fixed a nasty code in userban_sweep.
09/07/2005 - Fixed 'free_func' FreeBSD compilation error.
09/07/2005 - Fixed rquit.
09/07/2005 - Fixed elmer.
02/07/2005 - Added conops notice on client exit.... read more

Posted by Gabriel Baez 2006-03-26

Solid 3.4.5 released

Changes for Solid-3.4.5
- Added umode +C - Global Connections
- Added elmer, silly, and normal.
- Shuns are now sent on burst.
- Added cmode +S (SSL Connections Only)
- Added cmode +h (halfops)
- Added ssl ircd.conf block.
- Added umode +z - Secure Socket Layer
- Added Client SSL support
- Added cmode +N - No nickname changes on channel.
- Added umode +H - Oper Hiding.
- /stats x or X to see the list of shuns.
- Added UNSHUN
- Added SHUN

Posted by Juan Baez 2004-10-17


A version of anope-1.7.5 that supports Solid IRCd has also been released.

Posted by Juan Baez 2004-10-11

Solid-3.4.2 out!

Solid-3.4.2, which is based off the bahamut-1.8.2 architecture is finally out! Please keep in mind that this is version is still beta.

Posted by Juan Baez 2004-10-11