
Tree [e810b6] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 website 2018-08-03 Murray Cox Murray Cox [b2c138] Add website files to SourceForge git respository
 .gitignore 2018-08-17 Murray Cox Murray Cox [e810b6] Modified gitignore file
 README 2018-01-10 Murray Cox Murray Cox [973ec9] Change chmod executable status
 R_codes.h 2018-01-10 Murray Cox Murray Cox [973ec9] Change chmod executable status
 kseq.h 2018-01-10 Murray Cox Murray Cox [973ec9] Change chmod executable status
 main.cpp 2018-01-10 Murray Cox Murray Cox [973ec9] Change chmod executable status
 main_win.cpp 2018-01-10 Murray Cox Murray Cox [973ec9] Change chmod executable status
 makefile 2018-01-10 Murray Cox Murray Cox [973ec9] Change chmod executable status

Read Me

SolexaQA++ requires Boost libraries ( and the Zlib library (, usually installed by default on most Unix systems) in orderto be compiled.

To compile SolexaQA++, just run:


In case the boost or zlib libraries are not found, please edit the BOOST_PATH and ZLIB path in the makefile (lines 4,5 for Windows; line 21 for Linux; line 35 for Mac).
In Windows, it could also be necessary to edit the boost version number in line 9 (I used v.1_55)