
Another Idea

  • Scott Atkins

    Scott Atkins - 2001-07-16

    I've noticed people logging in with a name the admin doesn't like, and then having the admin retire them, only to have them log in again, under another name.  This brings up two points.  First should we search the name for certin words and not allow people to use them (ie. Admin AND !@#$)?  Second, should we implement some kind of ban function, that keeps that computer (by cookie, by ip, or by both) from making new names for at least 24 hours?

    • Bob Montgomery

      Bob Montgomery - 2001-08-09

      a couple of issues with that: 
      1) anybody can erase a cookie from their computer - so they got around the cookie ban
      2) on lots of ISPs, if you disconnect then reconnect you get assigned a different IP - so you can get around the IP ban
      3) if someone on a banned IP disconnects, and someone else connects (who uses the same ISP and maybe lives nearby) and gets assigned the same IP, then they will be banned by accident.
      4) further, some family members use the same computer, without cheating.  should my brother be penalized because i cuss out the admin?
      5) computer labs.  same situation, only they need not be family members.

      anyway, if you can think of a way around my objections....i would love to hear it.  i think banning certain letter combinations from names is a good idea (and worth extending to ship/planet/clan names as well)...

      but anyone can be especially creative and think of something that the coders didn't think of...i think, in the end, it isn't terrible that one of the admin's duties is to retire people who are abusing the game, by either using bad language or by repeatedly signing up and getting retired.

    • Chris

      Chris - 2001-08-16

      I believe that there is no good way for a web game to effectivly ban a user. However we can try by banning the users domain and with a cookie. All bans will have to be temporary. In the case of families sharing a comp or a comp lab, everyone else will just have to be mad at the person for getting them banned until the ban is lifted.

      • Scott Atkins

        Scott Atkins - 2001-08-16

        Well, here is something to consider, how about a ban on the ip, for about an hour.  That means if they are on dial up, they have to disconnect and reconnect to create another name, so that they get a diffrent ip, and a person can get tired of that real quick.  The second way it can go, is that it's a family, well an hour isn't that much.  The third option, school computer lab.  We cannot block all of it, so my idea is mainly to cut down on it.

    • Chris

      Chris - 2001-08-16

      I'm thinking maybe we should let admins add "rules"(regexps) to filter usernames with


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