
Soclwap / Blog: Recent posts

Atualizem para a versão 2.2 facilmente

Atualização rápida da versão 2.0:

Diversos bugs corrigidos.
Atualização da versão 1.0 ou sem versões anteriores:

Posted by JS 2012-02-09

Novos temas

Novos temas estão disponíveis.

Posted by JS 2012-01-31

Versão 2.0 liberada!

- Ações são comentadas
- Fotos são divididas entre álbuns
- Grupos possuem shoutbox
- Menu ficou mais fácil de administrar
- API possui função para inclusão de códigos no HEAD
- API possui funções hooking (códigos executados em todas as páginas, mesmo que o módulo não esteja sendo executado)
- Módulos não perdem todos os dados durante a reinstalação
- Segurança aprimorada
- Seleção automática de temas, em caso de erro... read more

Posted by JS 2012-01-31 Labels: download versions update bug fix

Primeira versão liberada!

A primeira versão do SoclWAP foi liberada e está disponível no site:

Posted by JS 2012-01-11

Missing some

The SoclWAP publish comming soon. In some days, the system will be published for free.
The SoclWAP are ready and tested. A documentation are written. Missing some the official website (started today).
Now are 18th development day.
In this post, I write less to code more.
See you!
Note: next posts are in Brazilian Portuguese.

Posted by JS 2012-01-10 Labels: download development

Almost ready

In 14 development's days, the SoclWAP project is almost ready.
All the "kernel" and modules of the system are ready.
Modules in development, yet:
- Install script
- Official website with demo and community.

Are maked a nice API for easy module and theme creating (and the documentation will be published, too).
Obs.: The Groups module will be published after the official publish of SoclWAP.

If you want to help the project, you can. Look for this in Sourceforge or send me a message (or a comment in this post).
We (I, yet) are looking for translaters, writters, designers, developers (the SoclWAP are coded in PHP, using MySQL) and people with good ideas. Only volunteers. The SoclWAP are a open-source project (with 100% full code - without IonCube/Zend Encoder/Base64 Eval/POBS). For free community.
A website will be created for SoclWAP, with a on-line demonstration of the script, modules and themes download, a community with forum (powered by SoclWAP) and much more.
Expect (and help)!

Posted by JS 2012-01-06 Labels: where are the download

Project started

The SoclWAP project was started today.
Follow this project and get news and beta versions.

Posted by JS 2011-12-24 Labels: home begin