
Socket Stream Library 0.4.0 (alpha) released

The Socket Stream Library is an implementation of the traditional C sockets as C++ Standard Library Streams.

This is an alpha release of the library's source code. The version numbering now follows the APR style. Configuring, building and installing the library is just like your normal autotools-managed project.

The library is now fully usable.
There is a lot to tweak in the core functionality, planned API changes, and many support features to add, but the iostream classes (the socketbuf class in particular) are basically complete.

This release introduces two new user-friendly headers (now a total of six), for those who want access to the basic_socket and basic_socketbuf classes. The next release will bring the pair class up-to-date with her own friendly header.

Tweaks include removal of higher-level methods from basic_socket, changed sockets_base enumeration members to static const, implementation of showmanyc() method in basic_socketbuf, and default parameter to shutdown() methods for your trivial usage.

Future work includes the long-needed work on the testsuite, a poller class, support of wchar_t and std::locale's, and perhaps a more compact (and perhaps template class) basic_socket.

Posted by Pedro Lamarão 2003-12-22

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