
Simple BSD sockets classes / News: Recent posts

CSocketClient 0.3.7 Released

The new release of the client class is now out.
The SetTimeout() Function now work well, but only for the received operations.
I've added a new function, named GetSocket(), that permit to use the socket outside of the class.
Have fun!

Posted by Deather 2005-03-04

0.3.6 (Client) & 0.3.7 (Server) released!

New version of both classes have been released. :)
This fix some little bugs.
Next release will add a full Win32 compatibility.

Posted by Deather 2005-02-21

CSocketServer 0.3.6 is out

this release add an important bugfix in the bind() function.

Posted by Deather 2005-02-09

Version 0.3.5 is out!

I've released the version 0.3.5 of both classes.
All is more stable now, I've corrected some errors in the Close() function of the server class.
Have fun,

Posted by Deather 2005-02-07

Version 0.3.4 is out!

The two classes have been updated, a lots of little bugs have been corrected, a big error I done was corrected, and now I think the classes can be used more seriously.
I've also updated the documentation.
I hope you will enjoy yourself,

Posted by Deather 2005-02-02

New release

I've corrected some errors in the code source, I also added a better support for the Win32 platforms, but the errors codes returned by systems calls (recv, send, accept, etc) aren't the same on Win32 and BSD compliants system, so the compilation fail.

Posted by Deather 2005-01-28

CSocket classes 0.3.2 released!

The 0.3.2 version of both classes is out :)
I've corrected some bugs, added some error control, and corrected some error I done.

Posted by Deather 2005-01-27

CSocket classes 0.3.1 released!

Client & Server classes can now use non-blockings sockets :-)

Posted by Deather 2005-01-26

CSocketClient & CSocketServer 0.3 released!

I think it's the first usable release.
I'm going to rewrite the documentation. ;)
Have fun

Posted by Deather 2005-01-24

CSocketClient API reference released

Now, the entire CSocketClient API reference is avaliable in the "Docs" section, with the CSocketServer. :-)

Posted by Deather 2005-01-22

CSocketClient 0.2.1 released!

I've corrected some bugs and incoherences that I found when writing documentation.
The doc' will be uploaded this aftenoon.

Posted by Deather 2005-01-22

CSocketClient 0.2 released!

The new version of the CSocketClient class is now available to download! :-)
It implemants a lots of new feature, like error controlling, and other optimizations.
have fun!

Posted by Deather 2005-01-21

CSocketSever 0.2.2 released!

A lot of new things!
I've finished to implement a relatively decent error controlling, I've optimized the code, and some other things without great importance.
I've also finished the API documentation.
You can found docs & archive on the project page:

Have fun!

Posted by Deather 2005-01-21

First release !

This is the first public release of the two classes.
The CSocketServer need some code to be "equivalent" to the CSocketServer.
I Hope you will like programming with these classes. :-)

Posted by Deather 2005-01-20