
so-5.2.3 Reaction to unhandled exceptions

Yauheni Akhotnikau Boris Sivko

NOTE. This mechanism has been improved in v.5.3.0. See [so-5.3.0 Exception reaction inheritance] for the details.

SObjectizer agents should provide no-throw guarantee: e.g. a whole exception should be caught and handled inside agent's event handlers. But if some exception is went out from event handler by some reason (by mistake for example) then SObjectizer should know what to do in such situation. In version 5.2.3 a new approach of handling exceptions is implemented.

The enumeration so_5::rt::exception_reaction_t is introduced. And new virtual method so_exception_reaction() is added to so_5::rt::agent_t class.

If SObjectizer catches an exception from agent's event handler it will call so_exception_reaction() method on problematic agent. Next, SObjectizer analyzes return value and does appropriate actions:

  • so_5::rt::abort_on_exception -- terminates the application immediately by calling abort() function. That return code means that agent does not provide any exception safety guarantee. Agent or some part of application is in incorrect state and the application execution cannot be continued.
  • so_5::rt::shutdown_sobjectizer_on_exception -- switches agent to the special state and initiates shutdown of SObjectizer Environment. In that state agent cannot receive messages. That return code means that the agent provides basic exception safety guarantee (no leak and no damage of any resources), but application's state is not logically correct and it is not desirable to continue the application execution.
  • so_5::rt::deregister_coop_on_exception -- switches agent to the special state and initiates its cooperation deregistration. Only cooperation to which agent belongs to will be deregistered (if there are some child cooperations they will be deregistered too). In that special state agent cannot receive messages. That return code means that the agent provides basic exception safety guarantee (no leak or damage of any resources), but agent's state is not logically correct. Agent's inconsistency has no influence on a whole application and application work could be continued without the agent (and its cooperation).
  • so_5::rt::ignore_exception -- just ignores exceptions and continues any application execution. That return code means that agent provides strong exception safety guarantee.

The default implementation of agent_t::so_exception_reaction() returns o_5::rt::deregister_coop_on_exception. It means that SObjectizer expects that agents provide basic exception guarantee even in case of unhandled exceptions.

If agent wants a different reaction from SObjectizer it should override so_exception_reaction() method. For example, a stateless agent which only does some transformation of message can return so_5::rt::ignore_exception:

class a_currency_changer_t : public so_5::rt::agent_t
    virtual so_5::rt::exception_reaction_t
    so_exception_reaction() const
        return so_5::rt::ignore_exception;
    // Exceptions here do not damage the agent.
        const so_5::rt::event_data_t< payment_request_t > evt )
        if( "RUR" == evt->currency_code() )
            // Currency code should be changed to RUB.
            std::unique_ptr< paymet_request_t > new_request(
                new payment_request( *evt ) );
            new_request->set_currency_code( "RUB" );
            m_target_mbox->deliver_message( std::move( new_request ) );
            // Resend unmodified message.
            m_target_mbox->deliver_message( evt.make_reference() );


Wiki: SObjectizer v.5.3.0 TODOs
Wiki: so-5.2.3 Version Info
Wiki: so-5.3.0 Exception reaction inheritance
Wiki: so-5.4 By Example Cooperation Notifications
Wiki: so-5.5 By Example Cooperation Notifications
Wiki: so-5.5 By Example Exception Reaction