
SObjectizer v.5.5.0 Released!

A version 5.5.0 of SObjectizer core is released!

This version contains very small improvements and fixes, but the most important thing is the complete removal of ACE Framework usage. That is: SObjectizer doesn't use ACE any more. It means small distribution size, shorter building time, more easier support for various compilers (like 32-/64-bit MinGW on Windows without MSYS-related stuff, Clang and so on) and platforms.

More detailed information about v.5.5.0 can be found on this Wiki page. There are also new descriptions in the Basic section in Wiki.

This release contains only SObjectizer core code. There is no any subprojecs liks so_log or so_sysconf. A new SObjectizer Assembly with so-5.5.0 and other subprojects may be formed and released later.

The v.5.5.0 can be obtained from the corresponding Files section or can be checked out from Subversion repository.

There are the following archives in the Files section:

Posted by Yauheni Akhotnikau 2014-10-01

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