Zardus - 2013-10-11

Hey guys,

Dunno who's out there listening, but I wanted to pass along that, thanks to Dinomage Games, Openglad was released on the Ouya yesterday (under the name "Gladiator"! You guys should go check it out and support the project! If you have an Ouya, we desperately need gameplay time and likes :-)

This super fresh version of the game has a rebalance, a revamped level editor, and the ability to create actual campaigns (as opposed to just levels in the main campaign)! This will soon be coming to Linux, Mac, Windows, and Android as well!

If you just can't wait for an Android update, Openglad is already on Android (again, named Gladiator), but it's the prior version without the new updates for now, because the focus was on the Ouya port.

Also, we have a cool new website: