
SNMPTT v1.1 has been released

SNMPTT v1.1 has been released.

What's new in v1.1:

- Added PREEXEC snmptt.conf file option to allow an external program to be run before processing the FORMAT and EXEC lines. The output of the external program is stored in the $pn variable where n is a number starting from 1. Multiple PREEXEC lines are permitted. The first PREEXEC stores the result of the command in $p1, the second in $p2 etc. Any ending newlines are removed. The snmptt.ini parameter pre_exec_enable can be used to enable / disable it.
- MATCH statement now accepts any variable name instead of only enterprise variables. Example: MATCH $s:(Normal)
- Added NODES MODE= snmptt.conf file option to allow you to select either POS (positive - the default) or NEG (negative) for NODES matches. If set to NEG, then NODES is a 'match' only if none of the NODES entries match.
- Added unknown_trap_exec snmptt.ini option. If defined, the command will be executed for ALL unknown traps. Passed to the command will be all standard and enterprise variables, similar to unknown_trap_log_file but without the newlines.
- snmptt --dump which dumps all the configured EVENTs, now displays duplicate EVENT entries to assist with troubleshooting duplicate entries trap logs.
- If the debug log file can not be opened, a message is now logged to syslog if syslog_system_enable is enabled, and to the Event Log if eventlog_system_enable is enabled
- Fixed bug with PostgreSQL where some trap data was interpreted as 'placeholders' in the INSERT statement which caused logging errors. PostgreSQL now uses PREPARE / EXECUTE statements instead.
- MySQL now uses PREPARE / EXECUTE statements instead of a single INSERT statement.
- Fixed bug in NODES where NODES entries from previous EVENTs were not being purged correctly.
- Fixed bug where snmptt --dump would attempt to log to syslog or the Event Log.
- Fixed bug that prevented the wildcard .* from being accepted on the EVENT line.
- Added Windows Event Log forwarding documentation to integration section.
o Fixed a bug when --format_desc=n was used that caused extra trailing whitespaces to be added for every non existent line in the description.
o Fixed bug that prevented some MIBs from being accepted due to spacing in the DEFINITIONS::= line.
o Fixed bug in that prevented --ARGUMENTS {} from being parsed due to spacing.

Posted by Alex Burger 2006-01-18

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