
SNMPTT v1.0 has been released

SNMPTT v1.0 has been released.

What's new in v1.0:

- SQL database connections are now opened after forking to the background when running in daemon mode, and after changing users when running SNMPTT as a non-root user. This should prevent 'gone away' and other connection problems with SQL databases due to lost handles.
- Added mysql_ping_on_insert, postgresql_ping_on_insert and dbd_odbc_ping_on_insert options to 'ping' the database before doing an INSERT. Also added the options mysql_ping_interval, postgresql_ping_interval and dbd_odbc_ping_interval to periodically ping the database. These options will help ensure the connection to the database remains available. If an error is returned, it will attempt to reconnect to the database. This should prevent SNMPTT from having to be restarted if the SQL server is not available due to an outage or a connection timeout due to no activity.
- Added variable substitution $Fz which when used on an EXEC line will dump the translated FORMAT line. This will allow for simplified EXEC lines when they are the same as the FORMAT line (minus the command to execute of course).
- Added variable substitutions $Fa, $Ff, $Fn, $Fr, $Ft, for alarm (bell), form feed (FF), newline (LF, NL), return (CR) and tab (HT, TAB)
- Added variable substitution $D to dump the description text for FORMAT and EXEC lines. The descriptions can be pulled from either the SNMPTT.CONF or MIB files. This is controlled by the description_mode and description_clean snmptt.ini options.
- Added support for logging unknown traps to a SQL table
- Added logging of statistical information for total traps received, total traps translated, total traps ignored and total unknown traps. Statistics are logged at shut down, and optionally at a defined interval defined by the new snmptt.ini variable statistics_interval. Logging can also be forced by sending the SIGUSR1 signal, or by creating a file called !statistics in the spool folder.
- Added the error number reported by MySQL to MySQL errors (system syslog, eventlog etc)
- Added /usr/local/etc/snmp and /usr/local/etc paths to the list of default directories searched for snmptt.ini.
- Added some friendly error messages when required Perl modules are not available
- Fixed bug with with handling traps in symbolic format (snmptrapd without -On)
- Fixed bug with with using printing $ symbols in FORMAT and EXEC lines
- Added Simple Event Correlator (SEC) integration documentation
o Fixed bug that prevented the variable list (OBJECTS) of V2 MIB files from being converted
o Fixed bug that caused an infinite loop processing the VARIABLES/OBJECTS section if the line in the MIB file contained spaces after the closing bracket

Posted by Alex Burger 2004-09-01

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