

Stéphane Charette


net-snmp uses C arrays of unsigned longs as OIDs, and because there is no way to determine the length of arrays, a length must always accompany the array.

Note that net-snmp typedefs oid, so the lowercase "oid" unfortunately makes for a bad variable name to use if you have all warnings enabled in your compiler.


The C++ OID class uses std::vector<unsigned long> to store the components of arrays. This makes it relatively easy to use C++ OIDs when calling net-snmp C APIs.

Constructing, parsing, passing, and displaying OIDs has been made as easy as possible. For example:

SNMPpp::OID oid1( "." );
SNMPpp::OID oid2( oid1 );
oid2 += "1.0";

std::cout << "OID is: " << oid2 << std::endl;

if ( oid2.isChildOf( oid1 ) )

Calling Legacy net-snmp APIs

With conversion operators, the net-snmp APIs can easily be passed C++ OIDs. For example:

SNMP::OID o( "." );

snmp_add_null_var( pdu, o, o );
// where the 1st "o" results in a call to "operator const unsigned long *() const"
// where the 2nd "o" results in a call to "operator size_t() const"


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