
SneakyCMS PHP Framework / News: Recent posts

Project Overhaul

After developing some of the content management system, several architectural flaws were noticed in the framework. Hence this, the project is being restarted entirely from the ground up. It will still have the exact same focus, but will be based on the Zend Framework. You can still expect Smarty, GeSHi and several other goood libraries to come standard. It will also have better native AJAX support, with the inclusion of Yahoo! UI and some other JavaScript packages.... read more

Posted by Cobby 2008-03-12

Framework updated

I saw a few things in the initial release that needed to be updated. namely in the handler class, there was still some Smarty functions, but Smarty is not included with the framework.

I also added an .sql file in the root directory which so be run in order to create a basic database that complies with the default settings in the config.php.

Posted by Cobby 2007-12-20

Framework uploaded and documentation started!

I couldn't help myself.

I realised that framework itself was ready for uploading, just has change a few things to prep it for distribution.
The framework is just a skeleton, doesn't include Smarty or any plug-ins, just basic registry, database, page handler, include and config files. All files where phpDocumented, see the docs folder for the output.

Started on the introduction for the documentation. I just covered the root directory structure, I add a bit here and there everyday so keep an eye out.

Posted by Cobby 2007-12-19

Nearly ready for BETA testing

After refining the code, I realised that the project would suffer if it didn't come with a CMS, as scripts although stored on the server, their information is stored in the database.

Things still left on the TODO list, these are all aPanel functions:

- Template editor (will include FCKeditor)

- Build in AJAX where feasible (like profile viewer)..AJAX isn't necessary, just a cool feature that I would like to implement.... read more

Posted by Cobby 2007-12-19

Code refining

The prototype is complete, but I am currently retyping the entire project because there was several things I missed the first time. Once I have finished this version, I will post for download.

Posted by Cobby 2007-09-22