Angel - 2024-06-19

I've been breaking my head as to why the xattr of my files, specifically the creation timestamp that Windows adds when using samba shares from Linux to Windows, has been getting removed. First I though the filesystem was corrupt but xfs_repair show nothing wrong, then I thought maybe is my mounting options but nope, I'm using the defaults with noatime added. Even so all my other drives use the same filesystem and options and they work well.

Fortunately I have backups of my files' timestamps so I could restore the timestamps for most of the files but not for the new ones. Then I just ran snapraid sync and then snapraid touch and this is where I noticed that the metadata was removed. So far I've only noticed this happening in this drive but it most probably has also happened to other drives' files too because I've run touch before but not sure if all those files were located in this drive.

What can I do to help solve this? This is very concerning, metadata is important and should never be lost, I would have lost all the timestamps if I wouldn't have the attribute backups which I only had because I backup to the cloud. I guess I could keep using SnapRAID without using touch but is that recommended?

OS: Debian 12 - OMV7
Snapraid version: 12.3-1
Filesystem: XFS
Drive connection: USB 3.0

Debug logs show nothing out of the extraordinary, lines like:
touch:Seagate_SkyHawk_6TB_2:Compressed/Eole-foobar-theme-master_2/Eole-foobar-theme-master/themes/eole/img/icons/artist_bio_icon.png: 1702498946.787106623


Last edit: Angel 2024-06-19