
Order of datadisks on snapraid.conf (for Parity)

  • Solo

    Solo - 2014-08-18

    I'm using SnapRAID 6.3 on OpenMediaVault 1.x (Debian Wheezy).
    In the snapraid.conf-example from here there is (added numbers)

    # The order is relevant for parity, do not change it
    # Format: "disk DISK_NAME DISK_MOUNT_POINT"
    disk d1 K:\array\1
    disk d2 L:\array\2
    disk d3 M:\array\3

    is the order still relevant for parity or can the above sample be changed to

    # The order is relevant for parity, do not change it
    # Format: "disk DISK_NAME DISK_MOUNT_POINT"
    disk d2 L:\array\2
    disk d1 K:\array\1
    disk d3 M:\array\3

    ^^^ d2 / d1 are swapped
    What will happen, if the order doesn't match since the last sync and I want to fix a file or a whole disk?
    "snapraid status" gives no error, all looks like normal. Haven't tried "sync" or "fix" yet.
    Thx for your answers
    Ralf L. from Germany


    Last edit: Solo 2014-08-18
  • Andrea Mazzoleni

    Hi Solo,

    Sorry for the late answer, I was in holiday :)

    You can now swap the disk lines. The mentioned one was a limitation of old versions of SnapRAID.

    What you have to maintain is the association between names and mount points.



    Last edit: Andrea Mazzoleni 2014-09-07
  • Solo

    Solo - 2014-09-07

    I hope you enjoyed your holidays!
    Thx for the answer. Don't forget to change the manual/FAQ to reflect the changes (limitation) ;)


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