
Polling multiple data blocks at a time with Snap7

  • bouba

    bouba - 2014-07-28

    Hello everybody,

    I use snap7 to poll 4 data blocks of my Siemens S7 1200 PLC. It's works(with help of David) at the beginning. I declare 4 S7 Client and I store buffer into 4 arrays of bytes. After I parse buffer and store each variable. I use Thread to do this job with 20ms of delay.
    However, one of S7 Client disconnects after few minutes and I don't have true values.

    I want to know why one of client disconnects after approximately 30 minutes.

    Best regards

  • bouba

    bouba - 2014-08-01

    OK.How can I use snap7 for pooling 4 DB at same moment? Are there function or methods for do this?

  • Davide Nardella

    Davide Nardella - 2014-08-01

    How much is the total size that you need to transfer ?

  • bouba

    bouba - 2014-08-01

    for DB1 ---> 4 bytes
    DB2 ---> 4 bytes
    DB3 ----> 140 bytes
    DB4 -----> 40 bytes

    At total 188 bytes

  • Davide Nardella

    Davide Nardella - 2014-08-01

    In this case you can use Cli_ReadMultiVars() that can transfer up to 20 vars in the same telegram.
    The drawback (it's a S7 protocol limit) is that the whole size must fit in a single PDU including the header.

  • bouba

    bouba - 2014-08-10

    What do you mean about 20 vars (how many bytes?).What is the max PDU size for Siemens S71200 CPU 1214 PLC.Therefore i must use ReadMultiVars if i want to poll 4 DB simultaneously?


  • Davide Nardella

    Davide Nardella - 2014-08-11

    A var is a Tag, i.e. a block of byte/word/dword, the same that you transfer via Cli_ReadArea() function.

    The maximum payload is:



    Where PDULength is the size negotiated during the connection, you can obtain it via Cli_GetPduLength() (ref man pag.163) and NumItems is the number of blocks read/wrote.

    You can read up to 20 different DB at the same time if the total size is less or equal to the above value.

  • bouba

    bouba - 2014-08-29


    I use ReadMultiVars function like this in C#:

                byte[] DataDB305= new byte[4];
                byte[] DataDB306=new byte[4];
                byte[] DataDB300=new byte[40];
                byte[] DataDB405=new byte[140];
                S7Client.S7DataItem[] items = new S7Client.S7DataItem[3];
                items[0].Area = S7Client.S7AreaDB;
                items[0].WordLen = S7Client.S7WLByte;
                items[0].DBNumber = 305;
                items[0].Start = 0;
                items[0].Amount = 4;
                items[0].pData = &DataDB305 ;      //error

    I have an error with items[0].pData, I pass address but I have an error


  • bouba

    bouba - 2014-08-29

    I use GCHandle for passing byte array address but I have another problem with myclient.ReadMultiVars(items, 4).It only take reference as argument.

                items[0].Area = S7Client.S7AreaDB;
                items[0].WordLen = S7Client.S7WLByte;
                items[0].DBNumber = 305;
                items[0].Start = 0;
                items[0].Amount = 4;
                GCHandle myGcHandle1 = GCHandle.Alloc(DataDB305, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                IntPtr DataDB305Ptr = myGcHandle1.AddrOfPinnedObject(); 
                items[0].pData = DataDB305Ptr;
                myclient.ReadMultiVars(items, 4);         //error
  • LanceL

    LanceL - 2014-09-26

    I had to modify ReadMultiVars in to to get it to work.
    Instead of taking a ref to S7DataItem it takes an IntPtr to the first element of an array (that has been marshalled into unmanaged memory).

    protected static extern int Cli_ReadMultiVars(IntPtr Client, IntPtr Item, int ItemsCount);
    public int ReadMultiVars(IntPtr Item, int ItemsCount)
        return Cli_ReadMultiVars(Client, Item, ItemsCount);

    I also added this method to marshal the array back and forth.

    public int ReadMultiVars(ref S7DataItem[] Items)
        int iCount = Items.Length;
        int iSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Snap7.S7Client.S7DataItem));
        IntPtr pItems = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(iSize * iCount);
        for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
            var pItem_i = new IntPtr(pItems.ToInt64() + (i * iSize));
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(Items[i], pItem_i, false);
        var result = this.ReadMultiVars(pItems, iCount);
        for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
            var pItem_i = new IntPtr(pItems.ToInt64() + (i * iSize));
            Items[i] = (S7DataItem)(Marshal.PtrToStructure(pItems, typeof(S7DataItem)));
        return result;

    This is the first time I have ever done any work with unmanaged code so please review these changes for yourself before using them.

    With this code I can read one int and two reals at a rate of 190 to 200 times per second from S7-319 CPU. This is reading from a Data Block.

  • Davide Nardella

    Davide Nardella - 2014-09-30

    Hi LanceL,
    thanks for the contribute ;)
    please, could you show a little example of calling this ?

  • compactview

    compactview - 2014-10-31

    1) Modify ReadMultiVars and WriteMultiVars in

        protected static extern int Cli_ReadMultiVars(IntPtr Client, S7DataItem[] Items, int ItemsCount);
        public int ReadMultiVars(S7DataItem[] Items, int ItemsCount)
            return Cli_ReadMultiVars(Client, Items, ItemsCount);
        protected static extern int Cli_WriteMultiVars(IntPtr Client, S7DataItem[] Items, int ItemsCount);
        public int WriteMultiVars(S7DataItem[] Items, int ItemsCount)
            return Cli_WriteMultiVars(Client, Items, ItemsCount);

    2) Modify S7DataItem in

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
        public struct S7DataItem
            public Int32 Area;
            public Int32 WordLen;
            public Int32 Result;
            public Int32 DBNumber;
            public Int32 Start;
            public Int32 Amount;
            public IntPtr pData;
            public void Set<T>(Int32 Area, Int32 WordLen, Int32 DBNumber, Int32 Start, Int32 Amount, ref T[] Buffer)
                Set(Area, WordLen, DBNumber, Start, Amount, ref Buffer, 0);
            public void Set<T>(Int32 Area, Int32 WordLen, Int32 DBNumber, Int32 Start, Int32 Amount, ref T[] Buffer, Int32 Offset)
                this.Area = Area;
                this.WordLen = WordLen;
                this.Result = 0;
                this.DBNumber = DBNumber;
                this.Start = Start;
                this.Amount = Amount;
                GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(Buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                this.pData = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject() + Offset * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));

    3) Calling example:

            using Snap7;
            S7Client client = new S7Client();
            int error = client.ConnectTo("", 0, 2);
            if (client.Connected())
                byte[] E = new byte[200];
                S7Client.S7DataItem[] items = new S7Client.S7DataItem[2];
                items[0].Set(S7Client.S7AreaPE, S7Client.S7WLByte, 0, 0, 1, ref E);
                items[1].Set(S7Client.S7AreaPE, S7Client.S7WLByte, 0, 20, 1, ref E, 20);
                client.ReadMultiVars(items, 2);
                MessageBox.Show("EB0: " + E[0].ToString() + ", EB20: " + E[20].ToString());

    Last edit: compactview 2014-11-02
  • Davide Nardella

    Davide Nardella - 2014-11-05

    Thank you very much ;)
    I will update the library asap.


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