
communication to optimized data blocks

  • Tyson Colby

    Tyson Colby - 2017-04-11

    Hi, Davide,

    Today, Kepware announced support for communication to S7-1500 PLCs using optimized data blocks.

    According to one of Kepwares technical support Engineers:
    "Kepware has been working with Siemens on optimized communications to the S7 1500 series devices. Siemens has recognized that they needed to add additional capabilities to their firmware to communicate with third party applications utilizing their optimized (symbolic) configuration and the OPC UA interface. Siemens was working a solution, which has since been made available in the next major firmware release (v2) for those devices."

    It would be amazing if snap7 could eventually incorporate support to access "optimized access" data blocks.

    Tyson Colby

  • Davide Nardella

    Davide Nardella - 2017-04-11

    I guess that :

    "these enhancements provide the only Siemens-approved method for third-party communication to S7-1500 PLCs using optimized data blocks."

    implies a sort of commercial agreement and some non-disclosure clauses.

    Exactly the opposite of Snap7.

  • Maarten

    Maarten - 2017-04-24

    Hey Davide, Tyson

    First Davide I'd like to thank you for all the work you put into this project, I really like it. However I've came across the same thing as Tyson. Next to this, Sharp7 doesn't support all functions on S7-1200/1500 CPU's if I'm correct? Like the Get block info, read/write plc time, start/stop commands, etc.

    I'd like to make an effort to implement those things or atleast get something going, I've got a S7-1500 cpu available for me. I'm just wondering how hard it would be figuring this out and reverse engineering the (extended) protocol that these CPU's use and if you can perhaps give me some extra pointers/info to start with.



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