
Snagger / News: Recent posts

Snagger: Version 1.09 Release Available

Add-on to Haploview that picks tagSNPs while allowing for: (1) preferential selection based on user-defined criteria, (2) selection across multiple populations, (3) selection outside defined genomic regions, and (4) picking of surrogate (backup) tagSNPs.

Version 1.09 of the source code and executable JAR file are now available. This is a critical update which fixes a couple of bugs. Please see the change log for details.

Posted by Christopher K. Edlund 2009-02-24

Snagger: Version 1.08 Release Available

Add-on to Haploview that picks tagSNPs while allowing for: (1) preferential selection based on user-defined criteria, (2) selection across multiple populations, (3) selection outside defined genomic regions, and (4) picking of surrogate (backup) tagSNPs.

Version 1.08 of the source code and executable JAR file are now available. This is a critical update which fixes a Haploview 3.32 bug where MAF and LD values were calculated incorrectly for chromosome X SNPs.

Posted by Christopher K. Edlund 2008-05-28

Snagger article published in BMC Bioinformatics

An peer-reviewed article has been published in BMC Bioinformatics:

Snagger: A user-friendly program for incorporating additional information for tagSNP selection

BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:174

Posted by Christopher K. Edlund 2008-03-28

Version 1.07 Release Available

Version 1.07 of the source code and executable JAR file are now available.

Posted by Christopher K. Edlund 2008-03-13

Version 1.05 Release Available

Version 1.05 of the source code and executable JAR file are now available.

Posted by Christopher K. Edlund 2007-11-21