
#937 Multiple issues come one (lock files)



Sorry for the ticket name, but I really don't know how to name it...
I found a "strange" bug in SMPlayer and I'm pretty sure it's a combination from multiple bugs/issues...

First: This bug/issue seems only to occur when multiple files gets added from Explorer to a playlist.
Second: I haven't analysed this bug into all details, I just report it now, but can help analyse more details of it later, too.

In short what's happen:
SMPlayer creates multiple lock files
SMPlayer doesn't close after that anymore right with the "x" - instead hangs
* Till version 19.04 by every start of SMPlayer comes a pop-up informs that there is a unsaved playlist

I attach two screenshots. From the lock files and the pop-up informs about the unsaved playlist.

So I think here are some issues:
SMPlayer seems to create a lock file in this case and doesn't delete it by closing
SMPlayer creates cascaded lock files
SMPlayer isn't able to close propertly when this lock files exist
Seems there is no error managment when SMPlayer gets open and a lock file exist
Seems the playlist doesn't get deleted when I close SMPlayer - is it intended?
Pop-up to save playlist doesn't come up in v19.10 - is it intended?
Pop-up to save "unsaved changes" comes every time up in v19.04, even if the playlist is already saved
Can't delete any entry from the playlist when lock files exist
* And maybe some other aspects of this bug I haven't thought about, yet... ^^

To solve the issue manuel is for the user really simple, if you know where to look and what to do... just need to delete all the look files and everthing works, again!
But as it isn't possible for a un-experienced user to find out and SMPlayer get un-usable in at least this way, that you have to close SMPlayer always with the task manager, I gave prio 1 to this ticket.

Greets, slim²³.

2 Attachments


  • Ricardo Villalba

    It looks like smplayer has a problem to end correctly, however I can't reproduce this problem
    Check the permissions in the .smplayer folder, be sure all files are writable.

  • slim23 4-EveR

    slim23 4-EveR - 2019-11-05

    I tried to reproduce the case, but unfortunately I don't be able to do that, anymore! :-/

    But did you have a look on the screenshot with the cascaded file names?
    Looks unusual for me! Think it should be possible to find this issue in the code...
    Btw.: The last files of it I wasn't able to delete them normal because the path & file names were to long... so this is maybe the write protected case you mentioned...

    At all, I had this issue now two times - so I'm sure others have it, too, and at any point I will have it again... but next time I will have a better look how it happends!


    Last edit: slim23 4-EveR 2019-11-05
    • Ricardo Villalba

      There isn't any code in smplayer to create those mlock files. I guess they are created by the operating system (or the Qt library) when trying to write the playlist file.

  • slim23 4-EveR

    slim23 4-EveR - 2019-11-06

    Seems using a newer version of Qt fix the issue.
    At least the people from Debian can't reproduce the issue again with a newer version.

  • slim23 4-EveR

    slim23 4-EveR - 2019-11-06

    The people by Qt suggest an update and new tests, too.


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