
#796 SMPlayer does not enlarge particular videos in fullscreen mode to fit the screen


I have a bunch of mkv videos from one source (encoder) which are not enlarged to fit the screen in fullscreen mode of SMPlayer. Additional observations:

  • All other videos are properly enlarged in fullscreen mode
  • Faulty videos actually become a bit smaller than 100% size in fullscreen mode (not an optical illusion, have checked with a ruler)
  • If played via bare mpv or mplayer (i.e. without SMPlayer wrapper), these videos properly fit the screen if fullscreen mode. The bug is within SMPlayer.
  • I've observed this issue during most of 16.x versions, but after upgrade to 16.11.0 the bug dissappeared. Only to come back again after upgrade to SMPlayer 17.1.0 :(

Apparently there is something common in these videos that causes SMPlayer to misbehave. What Can I do to help fix the issue?


  • Self-Perfection

    Self-Perfection - 2017-02-11

    Here is an example video fragment (7MiB, 22s) that is not properly scaled in fullscreen mode

    Part of smplayer logs which appears on enabling fullscreen:

    [15:11:00:618] BaseGui::toggleFullscreen: 1
    [15:11:00:618] BaseGui::toggleFullscreen: was_maximized: 0
    [15:11:00:618] DefaultGui::aboutToEnterFullscreen
    [15:11:00:618] BaseGuiPlus::aboutToEnterFullscreen
    [15:11:00:618] BaseGuiPlus::aboutToEnterFullscreen: mainwindow screen: 0, playlist screen: 0
    [15:11:00:619] DefaultGui::updateWidgets
    [15:11:00:619] BaseGuiPlus::updateWidgets
    [15:11:00:619] BaseGui::updateWidgets
    [15:11:00:619] PlayerID::Player: player_bin: "/usr/bin/mpv" filename: "mpv"
    [15:11:00:619] PlayerID::Player: player_bin: "/usr/bin/mpv" filename: "mpv"
    [15:11:00:619] PlayerID::Player: player_bin: "/usr/bin/mpv" filename: "mpv"
    [15:11:00:619] Core::changeLetterboxOnFullscreen: 1
    [15:11:00:619] DesktopInfo::desktop_size: primary screen: 0
    [15:11:00:619] DesktopInfo::desktop_size: size of primary screen: 1920 x 1080
    [15:11:00:619] DesktopInfo::desktop_size: size of screen: 1920 x 1080
    [15:11:00:619] MPVProcess::changeVF: "letterbox" true
    [15:11:00:619] PlayerProcess::writeToStdin: vf add "expand=aspect=1.77778"
    [15:11:00:654] MPVProcess::parseLine: 'Opening video filter: [expand aspect=1.77778]'
    [15:11:00:779] MPVProcess::parseLine: 'VO: [opengl] 1456x576 => 2070x576 yuv420p'
    [15:11:00:779] Core::gotVO: "opengl"
    [15:11:00:780] PlayerProcess::writeToStdin: print_text INFO_VIDEO_DSIZE=${=dwidth}x${=dheight}
    [15:11:00:780] MPVProcess::parseLine: 'INFO_VIDEO_DSIZE=2070x576'
    [15:11:00:780] Core::gotWindowResolution: 2070, 576
    [15:11:00:780] BaseGui::resizeWindow: 2070, 576
    [15:11:00:780] BaseGui::centerWindow

    Just in case, I use SMPlayer on Arch linux with KDE.

    • Ricardo Villalba

      Is it displayed correctly if you turn off the option "add black borders on fullscreen" in preferences -> general -> video?


      Last edit: Ricardo Villalba 2017-02-11
      • Self-Perfection

        Self-Perfection - 2017-02-11

        Yes, it is!
        Thank you for the pointer, this is acceptable workaround for me.

        This situation still looks like a bug for me though.


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