
#760 Window moves off screen

X11 window (1)

Well, let's give some context:
I use wmctrl to move and resize the smplayer window post-launch,
depending on the type of file that's being played.

Since 16.6 I've been noticing a weird behaviour, namely the window
being sometimes shifted off-screen by a border length (and likewise
This suggests that the origin of the window is no longer the top-left
corner but a point somewhere inside the window.

Now, I do realise there are many elements at play here that aren't
directly related to smplayer (wmctrl, the Qt toolkit, xorg...)
but can you think of a change between 16.4 and 16.6 that could
cause this?



  • Ricardo Villalba

    SMPlayer 16.6 is compiled by default with Qt 5 while previous versions used Qt 4.
    There's a PPA with packages compiled with Qt 4, you can try it and see if this problem is still present or not:

  • Luigi Baldoni

    Luigi Baldoni - 2016-06-29

    Thanks for the prompt reply.

    Unfortunately I don't run Ubuntu, but there's indeed a correlation between the switch to Qt5 from a week ago and the beginning of my troubles.
    I will rebuild the package with Qt4 and report back.


  • Luigi Baldoni

    Luigi Baldoni - 2016-06-30

    Can't reproduce it with Qt4.

    Also rebuilding it against Qt 5.6 didn't help.

  • Luigi Baldoni

    Luigi Baldoni - 2016-07-03

    Problem still present on 16.7.0 and Qt5.

    EDIT: partial correction, it seems to be present but in a consistent way, so it's correctable.


    Last edit: Luigi Baldoni 2016-07-03
  • Luigi Baldoni

    Luigi Baldoni - 2016-07-04

    I give up. The problem occurs either immediately or after a while, without any identifiable pattern.

    The only difference I've noticed compared to the previous release is that it's more consistent either way.

  • koko

    koko - 2016-07-16
  • Luigi Baldoni

    Luigi Baldoni - 2016-07-17

    Unfortunately r8028 doesn't help.


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