
SMall IDE (SmIDE) / News: Recent posts

Release 0.1.23 of smide

There are no great Changes, but enough to make a new release. I've adde some optimizations of handling the scrolling capabilities of a view, with shared and non shared scrollbars of several views. The RichEdit view now supports OLE objects, so that you can insert pictures or excel tables in RTF Document.
There are no great changes in smeditor, except some form templates. That's why there is no new release of smeditor. If you want a nightly build of smeditor, than download it from the smide homepage.... read more

Posted by Daniel Biehl 2002-01-12

First Release of the SmIDE Packages and SMEditor

Now it's ready, SmIDE and SMEditor goes to

I've uploaded two Packages SMEditor and SmIDE to the Filesgroup, and add the sources tree to the CVS server.

Now I hope for some interested people, who want to help me in the development of SmIDE.


Posted by Daniel Biehl 2001-12-15