
Tree [825787] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 src 2009-11-18 Martin Kopta Martin Kopta [825787] removed unused code
 website 2009-08-27 Martin Kopta Martin Kopta [d29a2f] git sf move
 .gitignore 2009-06-21 Martin Kopta Martin Kopta [4e3ea1] transponing and so..
 AUTHORS 2009-07-31 Martin Kopta Martin Kopta [28ee1e] authors, copiyng and small bugfix
 COPIYNG 2009-07-31 Martin Kopta Martin Kopta [28ee1e] authors, copiyng and small bugfix
 Changelog 2009-08-01 Martin Kopta Martin Kopta [5ceb35] Changelog added
 README 2009-07-31 Martin Kopta Martin Kopta [d4c596] release

Read Me

smcalc - simple matrix calculator

  cd src

  cd src
  make run

  cd src
  make install

  cd src
  make uninstall

Availible commands

  exit  - exit the smcalc
  quit  - quit the smcalc
  q     - quit the smcalc
  help  - print this help
  ls    - list all matrices
  load  - load matrix from file
  save  - save matrix to file
  list  - list all matrices
  print - print a matrix
  p     - print a matrix
  new   - creates a new matrix
  ren   - renames a matrix
  mv    - renames a matrix
  cp    - copy a matrix
  rm    - remove a matrix
  fill  - fill a matrix
  tran  - transpone a matrix
  info  - prints info about matrix
  +     - add matrix to matrix
  add   - add matrix to matrix
  *     - multiply matrix by matrix
  mul   - multiply matrix by matrix
  mulc  - multiply matrix by scalar
  det   - calculate determinant of matrix

  matrices can contain only integers