
SMC 6.6.0: General feature and bug fix release.

SMC - The State Machine Compiler v. 6.6.0

Major changes:

Added a new "-crtp" (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern)
option making FSM integration into an application easier and
more efficient. Instead of the user class containing an FSM
data member like "AppClassContext _fsm", the user class
publicly inherits the context like:

    class AppClass : public AppClassContext<AppClass>

A transition is issued by calling the transition method
directly rather than through the _fsm data member. So the
call "_fsm.Open()" becomes "Open()". This removes one layer
of indirection from user code.

All C++ examples had their Makefiles updated to include two
macros for the CRTP feature. Uncomment these macros and
compile to see how this feature works.

Added a new "-stack max-state-stack-depth" option. This
option generates a fixed-size state stack with the specified
maximum depth. No dynamic memory is allocated for the state

Caveat: use this option only if 1) your FSM uses the push
transition, and 2) your push transitions can only reach a
well-defined maximum limit. Conversely, if your FSM does not
use push transitions or your push limit is unbounded, then do
not use this option.

This option can be used in combination with "-noex" to create
a C++ FSM which performs no dynamic memory allocation (since
C++ exceptions automatically use dynamic memory allocation.)

C++ example EX3 was updated to demonstrate this feature.

Minor changes:

Added a new directive "%fsmfile" and modified the behavior or
"%fsmclass". Previously, directive "%fsmclass" set both the
FSM class name and file name. Now "%fsmclass" sets only the
FSM class name and "%fsmfile" sets the file name in which it
is stored.

Added the attribute
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("smc", "x.x.x")]
to each generated class. This attribute is used by source
analyzers such as FxCop.

Updated -java7 -reflection to emit a public final class for
each map. This class contains a public static final State7
field for each of the map's states. The purpose behind this
feature is to restore the ability to reference states as
".<state name="">". When using -java7, it is
preferable to reference a state using the integer constant
named "_<state name="">_STATE_ID".

Bug Fixes:

The -version command line option returns the wrong version.
(SF bug 202)

-java7 generates invalid code for transitions with generic
(SF bug 203)

Using -php and -reflect emits an incorrect name for the
Default state. In Php, the Default state is named "Default_"
so as not to conflict with a Php reserved word.
(SF bug 204)

The previous state is not set in action-less transitions.
(SF bug 205)

-java7 does not correctly fall through to the Default
transition. This is due to the actual transition having a
different method signature than the Default transition (which
has not parameters).
(SF bug 206)


If you have any questions or bugs, please surf
over to and check out
the discussion and bug forums. Note: you must be
a SourceForge member to add articles or bugs. You
do not have to be a member to read posted
articles or bugs.

Posted by Charles Rapp 2015-08-02 Labels: 6.6.0

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